Hari Wallet
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Seamlessly purchase, store, send, swap tokens, and curate NFT collections with ease and security. Trusted by over 20 million users across 200+ countries and regions.
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Security as it should be
TokenPocket generates and stores keys and passwords on your device only, only you can access your account and assets.
TokenPocket also develops hardware cold wallet and MultiSig wallet feature to enhance the security as you need.
Supporting BTC, ETH, BSC, TRON, Aptos, Polygon, Solana, Cosmos, Polkadot, EOS, IOST and so on.
Exchange & Transact Easily
You can trade your crypto anytime, anywhere within TokenPocket. Store, send, cross chain and exchange with ease.
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A DApp Store
You can find your favorite decentralized applications, discover the latest and hottest ones and use them without leaving the wallet.
DApp Browser integrated, you can always access the DApps with your links.
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We insist on an open technology community, and we welcome all developers to build a more convenient, secure and richer blockchain world together